Lesson Plan Examples



photo-1.jpg picture by SeanMilligan

(Some UCCS students working on an assignment for social studies in the computer lab.) 

Below is a small example of some of the lesson plans that I used last year in the format that was expected of us. When I say jigsaw I refer to a technique where for an allotted amount of time the class is divided into four or five equal groups. The day's new information is then divided into four or five separate sections. Each group is given one section with which they are required to become the "experts" by taking notes and studying their section intently. Once an allotted amount of time has passed the groups are mixed again so that all the "experts" on any particular section are in groups with members of the class that were studying a different section. The books and notes are put away and they teach each other the information that they learned. At the end of the lesson the students are given a short quiz based on the material they were supposed to have taught one another.


These are from a week where we were in the middle of a unit on the outset of the Civil War. 





Studies of the further dividing nation


Benchmarks Addressed

So. 7: 25 & 26


Key Questions

Was compromise between North and South possible? Why did they always fail?


Kinds of Time

5 mins. Do Now

5 mins Discuss Do Now

15 mins. Lecture on the compromises they tried.

20 mins. Group teaching and learning on specifics of slavery




Homework, in class answers, future quizzes


Framing the Lesson

~Do Now silently


~Group Assessment


 Anticipating the Confusions and Misconceptions

Will they be able to complete the assignment in their own words, inserting their own opinions?



Map of the thirteen colonies



What the Teacher Does

What the Students Will Be Doing


10 mins.

Walk around making sure that students are staying on task.

Answering critical thinking questions based on the ideas of change

15 mins.

Lecture on Industrial Revolution

Taking Notes, Answering Questions.

25 mins.

Wandering from group to group advising students

Modified Jigsaw








Learn Why South seceded and Lincoln’s role


Benchmarks Addressed

7 So. 27, 28


Key Questions

Why did the Civil War eventually happen? What role did Lincoln’s election to the presidency have?


Kinds of Time

10 minutes silent do now critical thinking handout.

15 minutes Expert finish presentation on their topic

20 minutes Teaching groups their topic

5 minutes cleanup



Question and answer, homework, future quizzes


Framing the Lesson

~Do Now silently

~Complete presentations

~Present Presentations



Anticipating the Confusions and Misconceptions

Can The students understand the importance of the daily lives of southerners prior to the war



Open response questions 


photo.jpg picture by SeanMilligan 

 (One of the the students working on a visual aid for her group's presentation.)




What the Teacher Does

What the Students Will Be Doing


10 mins.

Walk around make certain students are on task

Answering higher level thinking questions based on what we’ll be reading and learning on the day.

35 mins.

Walk around discuss projects with the students







Learn what the war was like for certain kinds of Americans. What did each side have as strengths and weaknesses


Benchmarks Addressed

So. 27


Key Questions

What kind of strengths did the North and South have?


Kinds of Time

10 mins. Do now

10 mins. Correct and review homework.

25 mins. Jigsaw the differences between the North and South



Homework, in class answers, future quizzes


Framing the Lesson

~Do Now silently

~Review and collect the homework page

~Expert Jigsaw groups

~Teaching homework groups


Anticipating the Confusions and Misconceptions

Does the southern slave debate relate to them? Can they understand why slaves were in the position they were in?



Vocab words



What the Teacher Does

What the Students Will Be Doing


10 mins.

Walk around making sure that students are staying on task.

Answering critical thinking questions based on the growing divide.

10 mins.

Homework review

Correct the last nights answers

25 mins.

Lecture on the formation of thevarious parts of our government.

Group Jigsaw work